HMICFRS PEEL (Police Effectiveness, Efficiency and Legitimacy) Inspections
Since 2018 HMICFRS has issued a single report to forces with gradings in the areas inspected. The PEEL inspection programme looks at evidence from its all-force inspections. The evidence is used to assess the effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy of the police. These assessments were introduced so that the public will be able to judge the performance of their force and policing as a whole. The latest inspection for Northumbria Police can be accessed through the HMICFRS below.
As part of their programme and framework for future inspections HMICFRS have moved to a 2 year reporting cycle and will publish new PEEL reports between late summer 2021 and end of March 2023. Once the next inspection report for Northumbria has been published we will provide a summary infographic of the HMICFRS assessment of the force’s performance against each inspection area.
Links to all reports relating to Northumbria Police are listed below. Here you will also find responses to the reports from PCC Susan Dungworth.