Project Overview

The project also includes analysts and intelligence officers who are working to identify trends and inform deployments meaning bespoke action will be taken to meet the patterns and needs of each specific area.

People can expect to see a broad range of activity such as stop and search operations, weapon sweeps, community engagement events, as well as robust action to catch known offenders in hotspot areas.

Project Performance

The project is working to prevent harm, target offenders and improve feelings of safety by increasing Police and partner visibility in hotspot locations and across our transport network.

So far we have:

  • Delivered 5,512 extra patrols hours
  • Made 40 arrests
  • Conducted 62 stop and searches
  • Seized 6 weapons
  • Spoken to 3,771 residents, business owners, employees and visitors
  • Serious violence crimes have reduced by 23% and ASB incidents have fallen by 7%.

Project Shield in action across all 6 local authorities: