Need help after a crime?

Whether you have been affected by crime – or you know someone who has – we want to make sure you get the best support for you. We know the impact of crime can be life-changing but with the right help and support you can recover from your experience and get your life back on track.

If you think you might have been a victim of crime or want to speak to someone about what might be the best help for you, you can visit Northumbria Victim and Witness Service or call 0800 011 3116 to speak to a member of the team who will take time to understand your needs and how best to meet them.

Victims’ Code

All victims of crime should be treated in a respectful, sensitive, tailored and professional manner without discrimination of any kind. They should receive appropriate support to help them, as far as possible, to cope and recover and be protected from re victimisation. It is important that victims of crime know what information and support is available to them from reporting a crime onwards and who to request help from if they are not getting it.

The Code of Practice for Victims of Crime (Victims’ Code) sets out the services that must be provided to victims of crime by organisations in England and Wales.

Specialist Support Services

We are committed to ensuring the right help is available to all victims and witnesses of crime. Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth, commissions a range of specialist support services throughout Northumbria listed here.

Victim Services 2024-25


Enhanced Support – Special Measures

Vulnerable or intimidated victims who experience serious crime such as rape, sexual assault or domestic abuse, or who have been persistently targeted, may require additional support to give their best evidence in court. Support is tailored to each victim to help reduce fear or distress whilst giving evidence, ‘Special Measures’ are part of the support available. One example of a ‘Special Measure’ is the provision of a screen in court for the victim to stand behind whilst giving evidence. The below guides explain the ‘Special Measures’ and the process to apply for them.

This document is available in a range of languages, and can be accessed below:

English Kiswahii Dari
Bengali Persian Chinese
Arabic Hindi Kurdish
Urdu Tigrinya