Building greater trust and confidence in Northumbria Police


Getting in touch

I want Northumbria Police to:
  • Answer and respond to 999 and 101 calls as effectively as possible ensuring that threat, harm and risk informs prioritisation.
  • Tell you how to get in touch to report crimes and how you can share information by telephone and online options, including social media.
  • Deploy officers and respond to you in the best way with response and investigations being a mix of face to face, video, and telephone conversations.
  • Carry out investigations with a focus on victim care and safeguarding, and keeping victims informed in a timely way.
  • Make sure you know how to complain if you are dissatisfied with the service you have received.

Always remember to call 999 in an emergency.


Measuring progress:
  • Average answer time for 999/101 calls, and those 999 calls that are responded to within call handling standards.
  • Attendance rate for priority 1 incidents – urban/rural.