Anti-social behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is a concern in many parts of our region; it is one of the most frequent issues reported to the police and undoubtedly impacts on the lives of many people. ASB is any behaviour that is capable of causing nuisance and annoyance; is likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress; creates significant and persistent problems in a neighbourhood and leaves communities intimidated.

“I am committed to hiring more police officers, supporting youth services, and working with you to improve lives in your local community.” 

Support and advice for victims of ASB

In practice, the new process means the Commissioner can now bring together a high-level panel of organisations such as police, councils, housing providers and others to review persistent cases.

The new review process is designed to give victims a voice and help the authorities find solutions. Find out more HERE.


This system gives victims a voice and provides quick and effective solutions to low level crime and anti-social behaviour. Find out more HERE.


You may also be interested in?

Reporting ASB – Where to report

Support for victims – Northumbria Victim and Witness Service


Update and plans

Strategic ASB Board

The Strategic ASB Board was set up by the Office of the Police & Crime Commissioner for Northumbria to bring together Local Authorities, fire services, transport providers and other key agencies has now been established for over a year. The Board have agreed to run projects based on all 3 board priorities:
1. Reporting ASB and the experience of victims throughout ASB processes, this includes looking at how young people experience and report ASB.
2. The way we record and report on ASB and ensuring that there is consistency throughout
our region.
3. Early prevention and intervention strategies to reduce ASB.

In addition, Board representatives have agreed to fund cross border working on our transport networks and have overseen the relaunch of the ASB case review procedure.


Funding examples

Operation Payback Round 3: In Summer 2022 the Operation Payback fund awarded over £200,000 to improve local communities. The fund focused specifically on reducing ASB. The Operation Payback fund is taken directly from money seized from drug dealers, human
traffickers and thieves is used to improve lives and benefit grassroot causes.
Operation Payback Round 4: In February 2023 a further £177,000 worth of funding was awarded to grassroots charities to further prevent and deter ASB in our local communities. Funding has been used towards local sporting activities, mental wellbeing services and projects for young people.
Safer Streets Round 4: In 2022 the office was successful in bidding for over £2m from the Home Office Safer Streets Fund Round 4 to work on detailed initiatives to make people feel safer including more patrols, youth provisions and a Safer Transport Northumbria App.


Current position (Data from March 2023 report)
  • There was a 36% reduction in ASB related incidents in the 12 months to August 2022, compared to the previous 12-month period.
  • Total ASB incidents are 12% lower than they were for the 12 months to August 2019.

