Priority 1 – Anti-social Behaviour

Anti-social behaviour is an issue in many parts of our region, and in many cases it’s about something other than laws being broken and criminality.

I’m committed to hiring more police officers and supporting youth services to help your neighbourhood.

I will:

  • ensure the police support others to reduce anti-social behaviour, including education providers, local councils and housing organisations.
  • report back exactly how many incidents of ASB the police have dealt with, whether this has gone up or down and what is being done to keep crime down.

Priority 2 – Reducing Crime

At the core of my work for the public is a simple aim; to ensure the police fight crime and keep you safe.

Crime and anti-social behaviour can damage and destroy lives, and we all want to see crime reduced. Along with the Chief Constable we will continue working together to reduce these crimes.

I will:

  • ensure the force reduces volumes of crime committed and has the technology and training needed to keep our streets safe while maintaining a focus on serious and organised criminals.
  • report back how many crimes are being committed in different parts of the Northumbria force area.