FORCE-wide crackdown efforts to tackle motorbike related crime and ASB is to be stepped up, Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner Kim McGuinness has announced.

Recent policing operations by officers in Northumbria have had very encouraging results with bikes seized and significant arrests made, and the Commissioner says she is determined to bolster efforts further by investing in what has been identified as an increasing concern among local communities.

Some £196,000 secured from the Home Office will fund a new, dedicated support unit to strengthen intelligence sharing between partners. This will then feed into robust police action and designated operations to target the trouble-makers responsible for causing motorbike related ASB in their neighbourhoods.

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Kim McGuinness, said: “I’m more than aware just how much of a concern motorbike related crime is across our communities. It’s not only nuisance behaviours but dangerous behaviours too. It may only be a small minority doing it but it can put many people at risk of what can be very tragic consequences.

“We must do all we can to drive out this problem – and this project will focus on really understanding the issue, promoting safety and encouraging reporting. We want to steer troublemakers away from these nuisance behaviours and officers will take tough action on those responsible.

“The minority who ride dangerously need to be clear of the punishments. Nobody wants a fine, nobody wants their bike taken away but these are the things that are going to happen if you chose to ride somewhere illegal, somewhere unsafe.”

“By tackling those responsible for these behaviours we can improve the lives of local residents and that’s what we are setting out to do.”

Funding has been secured through Round 5 of the Home Office’s Safer Streets funding. Two further bids made by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria have also been successful. Other work will cover improving women’s safety in public places, tackling transport ASB and cutting down the number of deliberate secondary fires.

If you have any information about bike-related anti-social behaviour in your community, you can report it to Northumbria Police online via the ‘Tell us Something’ pages of their website, call 101 or contact independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.