December sees dangerous behaviour and disorder fall across Project Shield Hotspot areas
CRIMINAL damage, motorbike disorder, running on rail tracks and threatening behaviour – these are just some of the issues and concerns officers and partners have tackled as part of targeted Project Shield activity in December.
The Project sees police, local authorities and transport providers join forces to deliver extra patrols in 15 areas identified through data as hotspot areas for anti-social behaviour and serious violence.
In December, the increased visibility and youth engagement work has helped deliver an overall fall of 36% in ASB, and an overall fall of 26% in serious violence across the hotspot areas, making a positive difference to local communities.
This was the first festive period since Project Shield was launched by Police and Crime Commissioner Susan Dungworth in the Summer. Comparing figures from last December with the same month this year shows the project is helping drive significant reductions in key areas of concern for local residents.
Collectively, with partners, the project has delivered 16 arrests, seized 3 weapons, and carried out 25 stop and searches in December alone. There have also been 7,500 engagements with members of the public.
As well as arrests, cautions and travel bans targeting offenders causing harm and disorder, the project has also helped prevent harm by safeguarding some vulnerable members of the community such as raising child concerns.
Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth, said: “Project Shield shows we are working together to tackle the issues affecting our communities most. It focuses on identifying problems to stop them resulting in criminal activity and we’re doing this through a really visible, proactive presence and boosting engagement. I am pleased at how much of a joint effort it is – everyone involved is fully on board. The numbers show together with a number of interventions in these areas, the targeted approach of Project Shield is paying off and delivering real reductions.
“Investing in additional patrols and increased activity specifically in hotspot areas is key to us delivering safer streets and stronger communities and people are noticing the impact the project is having tackling local issues all over the force area.”
Northumbria Police Chief Superintendent, Jo Park-Simmons, said: “These latest figures provide clear evidence that Project Shield is having the intended impact in tackling crime across our communities.
“Alongside our partners, we are quickly identifying problem areas within crime hotspots and targeting those who are intent in causing harm in our communities, while also working hard to seize weapons, make arrests and prevent further criminality.
“As always, we greatly appreciate the support of those we serve and would ask that you continue to assist us by providing information about crime and anti-social behaviour issues so that we can target our resources accordingly using a range of tactics.
“Together, we can keep our region among the safest places in the country to live, work and visit.”
Inspector Mary-Anne Snowden, of British Transport Police said: “Project Shield has been a great opportunity for British Transport Police to collaborate with policing and transport partners to ensure we are all working together to keep the public safe through each part of the journey. This initiative has enabled us to establish better communication with each other and has allowed us to increase high-visibility patrols in hotspot areas both in stations and on trains, to detect and deter crime. We continue to encourage the public to report any crimes or concerns to us on the rail network, and to save our discreet text-to-report number 61016 just in case they need us.”
Project Shield is delivered by Northumbria Police, British Transport Police, 6 Local Authorities, and transport providers and is funded through the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Northumbria.