The programme encompasses a series of e-learning modules to increase awareness around the impact of knife crime, joint enterprise, gangs and youth violence, and hidden harms.

  • Knife Crime Awareness: This course has a key focus on understanding the causes and effects of knife crime, including strategies for prevention, and signposting additional support.
  • Joint Enterprise: This module sets out to demystify this complex topic by addressing common misconceptions, awareness of the legal framework and the consequences of participating in a criminal act.
  • Gangs and Youth Violence: This course provides a comprehensive overview of gangs and youth violence, helping learners understand what gangs are, what they do, the role of women and girls, and the work done to prevent recruitment.
  • Hidden Harm: This module helps learners understand the cycle of events around parental substance misuse, mental health and domestic abuse, as well as highlighting how to spot signs of harm.

The e-learning initiative is part of a wider effort to tackle serious violence and ensures training is available to provide you with a comprehensive insight to engage young people at risk and prevent violent behaviour before it escalates.

To complete the 4 modules, and become a Violence Prevention Ambassador, sign up below.


Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth, said: “By equipping youth workers, community leaders and practitioners with this training, we’re giving them the tools to address underlying issues that drive violence. Together, we’re building a network of informed individuals who can help break cycles of violence and build safer, stronger communities.”