SILVERLINE Memories, a leading North East charity that supports people living with dementia and their carers is encouraging people to make sure information on vulnerable loved ones is uploaded to Northumbria’s Safe and Found Online system.

In July, Northumbria Police began using the new system as part of their searches to help locate missing people – welcomed by Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth.

On a visit to Silverline Memories in Kenton last week, the Commissioner said she hoped others would follow in Silverline’s footsteps in actively encouraging service users to sign up to the online portal, which is a digital version of the Herbert Protocol.

Northumbria Police is keen to build a large database, so details are readily available if someone goes missing. The digital version now allows the person living with the dementia, or their carer, to update a secure profile online, as opposed to a paper form or computer file.

More than 40% of the half a million people in the UK with dementia, who live in their own homes, will be reported missing at some point. With this in mind, the Commissioner said making the most of this system could be a real game-changer.

Northumbria Police and Crime Commissioner, Susan Dungworth, said: “I know what it’s like when someone you love is living with dementia. This system gives a bit of reassurance to family and friends that our police can act fast in their search should they ever go missing. It can be a real time-saver and it takes the Herbert Protocol to the next level. It ensures information is easily accessed and has proven invaluable in many cases for tracking people down and bringing them to safety. It brings great peace of mind to relatives and could save lives.”

Sandra Coulter, chief executive of Silverline Memories, that supports around 200 people from across the North East, said:

“We have been using the Herbert Protocol ever since it was introduced but there was always the challenge of keeping the information current and readily available should it be required.  I have been aware of Safe and Found online for some time and I am delighted that it has now been adopted by Northumbria Police.  It is impossible to overstate the fear and anxiety that is experienced when someone with Dementia goes missing and we are grateful to be working with Northumbria Police to raise awareness of this invaluable initiative.  The tool was designed by someone with direct experience of having a loved one with Dementia go missing and knowing how vital it is to get as much information out as possible to maximise the chance of a positive outcome.”

Detective Chief Inspector Kevin Ashurst, who heads up Northumbria Police’s Missing Persons team, said: “Taking the established Herbert Protocol onto the online platform gives us a much better chance of finding a missing person, as we can access information on them at the touch of a button if there is a protocol in place. By doing this, it gives our officers quicker and more accurate lines of investigation to follow in their searches. I would urge anyone who has friends or family who have dementia, or indeed those with dementia themselves, to sign up for this protocol online.”

The online profile can be kept up to date with recent pictures and descriptions that could be crucial in identifying the person and importantly can be accessed by police without delay and enquiries can commence to locate them.

To register for Safe and Found Online, go to Safe and Found Online is fully GDPR compliant and uses two-way authentication. Those registering should remember to enter their postcode when doing so.